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Updates Digest: new analytics features in YouScan


Each quarter YouScan introduces fresh updates and new features, so here comes the latest digest.

Elena Teselko

Elena Teselko

Content Manager

9 April 2021

We are happy to present our new useful features and upgrades: Custom Dashboards, Word cloud and Trending words chart, New aspects, Upgraded visual data filtering and new Spanish-language sources.

Ready to discover the details?

Custom Dashboards

Even though dashboards have existed in the YouScan system for a long time, we now introduce a brand-new tab to create your custom dashboards. This section allows handling "live reports" that will remain without changes and doesn't require setting it up each time from scratch.

So, what are the main traits of custom dashboards? Below we have listed the most common use cases:

  • regularly monitor specific metrics without spending time applying filters and rules;

  • create and share reports with colleagues, partners, and management;

  • present the results of a campaign or a promotion on one screen.

Besides, you can now display data from different topics on one dashboard to compare and analyze it even easier. For example, you can place several widgets next to each other to see the difference in data, which can be handy for conducting the competitor's analysis.

custom dashboard youscancustom dashboard youscan
Example of a dashboard with interactive widgets.

You can read more about Custom dashboards and the new opportunities they offer in the dedicated blog post.

Word cloud and Trending words chart adding more context

We have reinvented and enhanced the traditional word cloud visualization by adding more context to get more precise audience insights. In addition to individual words, we have added phrases, emojis, and hashtags. Moreover, we have divided single words into objects, actions, and properties. Now the word cloud is better informing about the most discussed aspects of your brand, helps to discover the leading associations with your brand, and detect trends.

Also, we have added the trending words chart, showing the popularity of the words from the word cloud in the selected period compared to the previous period. This feature is designed to be used for analytics, research, monitoring trends and brand health.

For example, in a Subway topic, using word cloud, and filtering only by negative mentions, we can find what disappoints Subway's guests most of all. As we can see, the tuna sandwich caused more negative experiences than any other dish. Brands should monitor such things to know what should be improved and how they can stand out among their competitors.

word cloud youscanword cloud youscan

And now, let's see how the positive mentions changed over time and what phrases are trending now for Subway. We've changed the sentiment to "positive" to track the changes in the latest periods. It turns out that vegan positions are becoming more popular as their customers share a lot of their favorable experiences using these particular words and hashtags.

trending words chart youscantrending words chart youscan

You can find complete instructions on using these features in this article.

Stepping over the mark of 20 aspects

People are talking a lot about brands and products online. But how to quickly analyze the range of their sentiments? In YouScan, we have the "Aspects" feature allowing us to discover what product characteristics are most discussed and what is the customer's attitude to them.

We already have the arsenal of more than 20 aspects and continue to extend the list, so our newcomers are:

1. Consistency is best for describing semi-soft substances and viscous liquids (e.g., oil, infant milk, yogurt, toothpaste, etc.).

2. Consumption is everything connected to resource usage. For example, how long a pack of coffee/powder lasts or by the number of uses (e.g., a hair dye box is sufficient for two colorings).

3. Size includes length, height, width, volume.

The system automatically detects the sentiment of each mention and aspect, which can be positive, negative, or neutral.

consistency aspect in youscanconsistency aspect in youscan
Example of how the system detects consistency aspect along with health effects and functionality.

You can find a detailed description of aspects in this blog post.

Upgraded visual data filtering: censor

We are constantly upgrading our Visual Insights technology to make it more powerful. Yet, the algorithm is working with user-generated images, which can sometimes include adult content. To prevent confusing situations when working with mentions, we have taught the algorithm to detect visual adult content and automatically send such posts to spam. Now you can be sure that no embarrassing photos will appear in the system while presenting the report, for example.

The improved censor filtering is available for clients with an Insight plan or higher.

Expanding global coverage: new Spanish-language sources

YouScan offers global coverage of online sources, including social media platforms, news websites, Q&A platforms, blogs, etc. Right now, we are monitoring over 500K sources worldwide, helping our clients launch on new markets and track the local contexts.

Good news for those clients who monitor the Spanish-speaking markets! We have expanded our monitoring capabilities in the latest update and added over 1K top sources including the Mexico region.

spanish-speaking monitoring sources in youscanspanish-speaking monitoring sources in youscan
List of top 10 sources when applying “region: Mexico” and "News" filters in the Corona by Netflix topic.

If you want to test all the new features in real life, go on and check your account or request a free demo!

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  • Share your social listening needs and requirements;

  • Experience a tailored demo showcasing how YouScan can meet them;

  • Explore customized solutions and strategies designed for your brand's unique challenges.

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