Influencer Discovery 🀩

Discover the key voices shaping your industry. Harness the power of social listening to identify influencers and fine-tune your messaging to engage your target audience better.

Hero image

Put Influencer Discovery
on Autopilot πŸš€

Find influencers on social media more easily than ever. Search not just by keywords in their posts but also by unique characteristics of authors.

New influencers get discovered and added to your lists automatically!

Create your 'Social Audiences' (that's our fancy term for influencer lists) using factors like:

  • Keywords in users' public bios

  • Interests and occupations, auto-detected by YouScan's AI ✨

  • Demographics, such as age and gender

  • Follower count


Be Selective and Target
with Precision 🎯

Discover influencers across the spectrum, from emerging nano influencers to established top voices. Examine their conversations, interests, and professions to ensure they align well with your brand's objectives.


Focus on Metrics That
Actually Count πŸ’―

Don't just look at the follower numbers. Zero in on engagement rates and influence scores for better audience engagement and authentic brand alignment.


Unleash YouScan's AI Power ✨

Supercharge your influencer campaigns with AI-driven insights. Learn not just who the influencers are but also what gets them ticking – ensuring they're a spot-on match for your brand.


Examine Influencers'
Visual Content πŸ“Έ

It's more than just stats and figures. It's about the story. Make sure the influencers you choose align with your brand's aesthetics, positioning, and vision for collaborations that truly make an impact.

Put influencer discovery on autopilot
for collabs that make true impact

Find influencers on social media more easily than ever with YouScan.
Ensure they align well with your brand's objectives and aesthetics.

Upon requesting a demo, you will have a chance to:

  • tell us about your influencer discovery requirements;

  • see how these can be solved, in a personalized demo account;

  • review the next steps that fit your needs and time constraints.

All you need to do is submit your details β€” an expert will show you the rest.