YouScan Product Update Digest
We always strive to make our system as convenient as possible for our users. And the main drivers of YouScan updates are our customers, who always know what’s best for them. And now we are happy to present you our product updates digest.
1. Digest to showcase the results
This is what we can proudly call our star feature! By a couple of clicks, YouScan automatically generates a perfectly structured and designed report with all the necessary information on the topic you monitor.
With Digest, you are able to see all the important results with little to no effort and consequently share all the information with your team in a corporate newsletter or present it to them during a meeting.
Before generating the report, you may apply the filters and choose the needed time period, which will be also reflected in the report itself. YouScan Digest contains the following positions:
- General data: amount of mentions, authors, and engagement rate.
- Trending discussions, which show the topic, amount of mentions, engagement rate, authors, main source and content type.
- Word cloud: the most frequently used words.
- Sentiment share: percentage of positive, neutral and negative mentions.
- Geography: how often your brand is mentioned across the world.
- Demography: mentions distributed by gender and by age of their authors.
- Sources share: percentage of mentions on the top sources
- Top authors: including the information about the mentions engagement rate, number of each author’s followers, and mentions sentiment.
- Visual insights: the most popular objects, scenes and people in the images with your brand logo.
To put this short — literally everything you earlier struggled finding.
2. Revamped topic creation form
We redesigned the form for topic creation to make the process smoother and more intuitive.
All YouScan users are now able to apply filters at the stage of a topic creation and check out its live preview based on the chosen parameters. Thanks to this function, customers are instantly aware of the real quantity of mentions on the needed subjects and do not waste their time waiting for the system to collect the unnecessary mentions from irrelevant sources, locations, authors, and so on.
3. Aina’s intelligent functions
Remember our pretty little creature Aina? You should know that it is exactly Aina who is responsible for all smart capabilities of YouScan. Want to see Trends? Press the button with Aina to turn them on. Want to know what important goes on with the topic you follow? Turn Smart Alerts function on to let Aina send you the most important information on your topic.
4. More convenient YouScan API management
From now on, YouScan users that utilize Insight and Ultra plans are able to generate API key without the help of YouScan development team. You can generate the key in an easy and secure way. When you generate the key, it is available for copying only once. However, you can check if you are using the correct key using the last 4 digits.
5. Enhanced trend detection functionality
We significantly boosted our trend detection feature. Now trends in YouScan become more accurate, more comprehensible and show more valuable events.
We decided to revise the logic of this functionality because now everything is about engagement. Who cares how many posts with your brand are on social media if user engagement rate is close to zero because nobody cares. So from this moment, you should be aware that the trends depend mainly on the engagement rate, and the more engagement the bigger trend bubble is.
6. Completely redesigned recurrent reports
We redesigned YouScan recurrent reports to make sure you are able to find the necessary information faster. Also, now trends are included in these reports, which will help you to stay on top of what’s going on with your business.
7. More abilities for the configuration of integrations
For users that integrated YouScan with external applications, we added the capability to name each integration. It makes multiple integration management easier and more convenient as well as increases overall productivity.
This is it for now. Please, stay tuned for more updates!
And you should really try all of them right away, so just request for demo!