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Meet the Winners of the Social Listening Query Writing Competition!

Social listening query writing competition

Jade Becerra Arita

Jade Becerra Arita

Marketing Manager

22 July 2024

Hello, query enthusiast! ! 🌟

Remember the Social Listening Query Writing Competition, where top professionals from around the globe showcased their skills in crafting the perfect query? We challenged experts to dive into the minds of Gen Z in the US and explore their thoughts on AI's impact on career prospects. 

Today, we're thrilled to announce the winners and share their insights with you!

The challenge

In April 2024, we called upon social listening experts worldwide to put their query-writing skills to the test. The goal? Write a query that returns the most accurate and voluminous data based on a set brief. Impressive, right?

Research question

How do Gen Z in the US feel about the impact of AI on their current and future career prospects?

Date Range: 1 year
Markets: US
Language: English
Age Range: Gen Z (under 27)

Meet the winners! 🏅

Overall Winner Jen O’Driscoll

Jen's query stood out for its precision and depth. She focused on capturing genuine Gen Z conversations about AI, ensuring a high relevancy rate. Jen's innovative use of filters and AI tools within YouScan showcased her expertise and creativity.

2nd Place Claire Harter, MA

Claire impressed the judges with her meticulous query logic and clear documentation. Her approach to understanding Gen Z's nuanced opinions on AI's impact on their careers was both insightful and comprehensive. Claire's attention to detail and strategic use of YouScan’s platform tools were commendable.‍

Curious about the winning queries? Head over to The Social Intelligence Lab's blog post to check them out now!

A round of applause to everyone who participated! 🎉 Your enthusiasm and expertise made this competition a resounding success. Stay tuned for more challenges and opportunities to showcase your skills in the exciting field of social listening.

A huge thanks to our incredible partners, The Social Intelligence Lab and Listen + Learn Research, for their outstanding organization and support in making this competition a success! Your collaboration and dedication have truly made this event fantastic.

Let's keep the conversation going and continue exploring the fascinating world of Gen Z and AI. 🚀

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