Marketing & PR

Track Your Brand's Pulse on Twitter: 10 Best Twitter Monitoring and Listening Tools

Top 10 Twitter Monitoring Tools Worth Checking Out in 2020 | YouScan

Brand monitoring is essential in the modern digital world that is full of online conversations and interactions. To run reputation management efficiently, brands should monitor what people are saying about them on social networks and timely react to the user's comments, particularly to the negative ones.

Alina Hura

Alina Hura

International Marketing Manager

20 March 2020

Social media monitoring allows companies to research what a target audience thinks of them and optimize their products, services, and marketing to real user's expectations and requirements. The complete adjustment of the company's strategy to the reality of customers is the desired result of effective social listening.

With over 500 million tweets and discussions happening on Twitter every day, this giant network has become one of the obligatory objects of social listening. 330 monthly active users share their opinions, desires, and needs on Twitter. Today, it is one of the most massive sources of invaluable information about customers that can help brands evolve and blossom in the digital space.

Why Should You Track Your Brand on Twitter?

There are plenty of undeniable reasons why you should track your brand on Twitter. Let's consider the three most critical of them.

Brand Monitoring

Twitter listening allows you to investigate how and when your target users interact with your brand on this social network. It opens up the opportunity to make precious conclusions on what types of content most engage your audience and at what time your customers are the most active online. It also helps you select the best time to announce your brand's brilliant achievements, results, and events in a news feed. Get the desired reaction of your followers and resonate with Twitter users beyond your follower list.

Crisis Management

Monitor your brand to hear not only positive feedback about your brand. Your most valuable sources of information are the user's negative comments and opinions. They help you find out the infelicities of your products or services, immediately fix them, and evolve to become better for your customers.

"Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning." - Bill Gates

It's the essence of crisis management. You will never predict the unpredictable, and you will probably even not avoid a crisis. However, you significantly increase your brand's chances to mitigate the negative customer experience that is occurring right now and can be a seed of crisis in the future.

Industry Analysis

Twitter social listening will help you explore what your industry is talking about and use this information to build your content strategy. Aren't you sure about what precisely to listen to on Twitter? You can start by monitoring your brand mentions, industry, influencers, competitors, topics, and hashtags that are relevant to what your company does.

These are just several simple ideas, although real-time Twitter monitoring opens limitless opportunities for audience and market research that goes far beyond those mentioned above. Have you ever wondered how to monitor Twitter activity the most effectively?

Keep Abreast of Your Audience, Industry Trends, and Brand Reputation with 10 Best Twitter Monitoring Tools

You might ask yourself the following questions: How to track millions of the customer's online conversations, hashtags, keywords, and industry trends simultaneously? How to differentiate tweets that are sparing around your brand? How to extract target audience insights that will help you optimize a content strategy and improve customer experience?

You will surely need the help and power of Twitter listening tools. Here's an overview of the top ten most incredibly useful monitoring tools which we're going to consider in this article.

1. YouScan

YouScan is one of the best AI-powered social media listening tools with an extensive suite of features and solutions for efficient brand reputation management, trend detection, target audience research, sentiment investigation, spam filtering, logo recognition, and analysis of various visual content types.

It is a versatile tool for monitoring what your customers, industry, and competitors are talking about on Twitter. You can apply plenty of filters to get precise information on the subject of your interest. Select the geography, language, sources, and other filters to save time and investigate only relevant tweets.

Top 10 Twitter Monitoring Tools - YouScanTop 10 Twitter Monitoring Tools - YouScan

YouScan allows you to learn about positive and negative customer comments about your brand that have been published on Twitter during a requested period. By enabling a WOM (Word of Mouth) option, you can discover the users' posts in which they share their personal experience of using your product or service, compare your brand to companies that create alternative products, express their complaints, gratitude, recommendations, or ask questions.

Top 10 Twitter Monitoring Tools - YouScanTop 10 Twitter Monitoring Tools - YouScan

Find the most famous users who discuss your brand on Twitter, connect with them, and discuss opportunities for collaboration. It can help you boost influencer marketing and build a stronger brand image online.

Top 10 Twitter Monitoring Tools - YouScanTop 10 Twitter Monitoring Tools - YouScan

Moreover, with YouScan's AI-driven logo recognition feature, you can extend your research detecting not only textual but also visual brand mentions. Learn about the context in which people use your products, investigate what they think of your brand and need indeed. Discover the whole new sources of useful insights with YouScan's smart features.

2. TweetDeck

TweetDeck is the only tool on the list that is officially owned by Twitter. It doesn't provide detailed analytics and statistics, however, it is perfect for managing several Twitter accounts, and it's hard to find a better service for this.

Top 10 Twitter Monitoring Tools - TweetDeckTop 10 Twitter Monitoring Tools - TweetDeck

As a social listening tool, TweetDeck allows you to view streams of tweets based on the requested criteria, such as keywords, usernames, lists, and more. You can also engage with users by replying to comments, messages, and brand mentions.

In TweetDeck, you can monitor not only your mentions but also enhance your competitive research by tracking mentions of other companies. It will help you examine how competitors are interacting with users on Twitter, investigate what types of the competitor's content resonates with your target audience, and steal like an artist by using the most actionable practices for your content strategy.

Top 10 Twitter Monitoring Tools - TweetDeckTop 10 Twitter Monitoring Tools - TweetDeck

This service lets you schedule tweets and gives an opportunity to edit a scheduled post for everyone who has access to an account. You can enjoy TweetDeck features using a web app, Chrome extension, or Mac app

3. Mentionmapp

Mentionmapp is a unique social listening software that helps you find new people and hashtags relevant to your brand. You can build an extensive map of users and tags based on the requested criteria. The app allows searching by a username and hashtag.

This service lets you do a deep dive into a large set of data related to a specific tweet, user, or hashtag you click on. It looks like a rabbit hole that takes you into a long lasting journey throughout tweets, brand mentions, topics, and discussions. Fortunately, there's a feed to remind you what you're investigating.

Top 10 Twitter Monitoring Tools - MentionmappTop 10 Twitter Monitoring Tools - Mentionmapp

Furthermore, Mentionmapp provides detailed Twitter social analytics. It allows you to find out real social engagement metrics, detect how brand-related information and misinformation flow through user networks on Twitter, and take instant actions to protect your company's reputation.

Investigate the digital ecosystem, explore interactions, and build critical relationships by applying Mentionmapp's visualization tools based on machine and human intelligence.

4. Warble Alerts

Warble Alerts is a social media listening tool that makes it easy to monitor Twitter keywords, phrases, hashtags, mentions, and more. It is an alternative to Google Alerts for those who want to stay informed with what's happening on Twitter.

This service always keeps you updated with the most important tweets related to your brand, a particular hashtag, keyword, or phrase. There is no need to monitor your Twitter account several times a day instead of focusing on other tasks. Warble Alerts will send you an email with all the news once a day, so you'll never miss something out of your attention. All you need is just to set up an alert for a specific brand mention, keyword, or tag.

Top 10 Twitter Monitoring Tools - Warble AlertsTop 10 Twitter Monitoring Tools - Warble Alerts

Warble Alerts allows you to monitor the unlimited amount of active alerts. You can narrow down results by using operators, applying filters based on a language and location, and excluding retweets from results.

5. TweetReach

Top 10 Twitter Monitoring Tools - TweetReachTop 10 Twitter Monitoring Tools - TweetReach

TweetReach is a data-driven Twitter analytics platform that helps track any search term in real-time. Get precise data about user engagement, reach, content performance, competitive analysis - all in one user-friendly interface. TweetReach provides searching by a keyword, username, hashtag, and even URL.

Top 10 Twitter Monitoring Tools - TweetReachTop 10 Twitter Monitoring Tools - TweetReach

This Twitter monitoring software offers beautiful and concise report-ready analytics that will help you gain timely insights and make better decisions. It provides all the information needed to upgrade your social media marketing strategy and improve execution around your accounts. Learn more about the reach of the conversation about your search terms, what Tweets made the most significant impact, who contributed the most impressions, and more.

In addition, TweetReach delivers handy recommendations based on previous content performance and helps you level up your content marketing.

6. Hootsuite

Hootsuite is one of the most popular social media monitoring tools that will help marketers and business owners to keep abreast of everything happening with your brand online. It is the entire package of social management, analytics, and monitoring tools. Although Hootsuite's Twitter listening feature may be particularly useful for a brand.

Top 10 Twitter Monitoring Tools - HootsuiteTop 10 Twitter Monitoring Tools - Hootsuite

Hootsuite helps keep track of all the key conversations around your brand on Twitter and other social media platforms. You can build customized streams of social media content and organize them by tabs in the most logical and convenient way for you. This platform lets you search and filter brand mentions or related discussions by a keyword, hashtag, and geolocation. It will help you stay in the know with what people are saying about your company, similar products, and industry in general.

This amazing service will assist you in providing timely customer support and follower interactions. You can reply to comments and tweets much faster by assigning to appropriate team members. In the Hootsuite's user interface, you can review and approve your team's responses to ensure you manage a brand reputation at the highest level.

Top 10 Twitter Monitoring Tools - HootsuiteTop 10 Twitter Monitoring Tools - Hootsuite

7. Mention

Mention is one more extremely helpful social listening service. It helps marketing agencies and businesses to measure the effectiveness of social media campaigns, analyze competition, and listen to a target audience online.

Top 10 Twitter Monitoring Tools - MentionTop 10 Twitter Monitoring Tools - Mention

Mention has a wide range of features that promise to help you amplify brand awareness and grow your company’s popularity online. Monitor any keyword, user profile, or hashtag online to get to know what your target users are discussing on Twitter before creating a content strategy. It will help you deploy social media marketing around the topics and thought leaders that are the most interesting for your audience.

Mention provides in-depth brand research and visualizes data in the clean and easy-to-understand reports, which you can share with your clients and colleagues.

Top 10 Twitter Monitoring Tools - MentionTop 10 Twitter Monitoring Tools - Mention

8. Twilert

Twilert is a subscription-based Twitter listening tool that helps brands keep track of their mentions, hashtags, trends, keywords, topics, and run effective reputation management. It works according to the algorithm that is similar to Warble Alerts. This service also sends you emails with all the most important tweets for your brand. You only need to adjust settings and create an alert that will help you dig into topics and keywords that are most interesting for you.

You can choose how often you’d like to receive emails with tweets to avoid inbox overload. What differentiates Twilert from alternative tools is that it separates negative, positive, and verified tweets, so you can get only those which you need.

Top 10 Twitter Monitoring Tools - TwilertTop 10 Twitter Monitoring Tools - Twilert

9. Brandwatch

Brandwatch is an all-in-one social media management and monitoring software that helps you keep an eye on everything connected to your brand on the web. Now, we'd like to consider its features related to crisis management in detail.

Brandwatch helps you never miss a critical mention and cure your brand image and reputation at the right moment. It is a perfect tool for such "make-or-break" moments. This software sends you real-time alerts in cases of unusual activity or emerging brand reputation threats on Twitter and other social networks. It can inform your entire team and clients simultaneously by sending notifications directly to relevant internal and external stakeholders.

Top 10 Twitter Monitoring Tools - BrandwatchTop 10 Twitter Monitoring Tools - Brandwatch

Brandwatch is an excellent solution for brand reputation management on Twitter. It empowers brands with actual data, helps them monitor the latest trends, and react to negative comments on Twitter before they start sparking sharp and brand image-damaging discussions.

10. Zoho Social

Zoho Social is a real-time social media monitoring software. Besides its social listening features, it also allows scheduling posts and analyzing your social media performance. It is a dashboard that provides real-time streams of updates about how users are engaging with your tweets.

Top 10 Twitter Monitoring Tools - Zoho SocialTop 10 Twitter Monitoring Tools - Zoho Social

In Zoho Social, you can track keywords and tags, find new leads, monitor brand mentions, and listen to your audience. It helps you identify the most active and famous users, interact with them, and connect with them to discuss more opportunities for influencer marketing on social media.

Keep Abreast of the Most Important Things on Twitter

All the most successful brands recommend others to stop shooting in the dark with fingers crossed when running your social media marketing. They advise other businesses to start listening to their target audiences online. Your followers, subscribers, and even haters are the most valuable sources of information that can help you make better decisions and inject your content marketing with a dose of needed changes.

The social listening tools mentioned above will help you do it timely. They provide you with data that make you hear what a target audience is trying to say. You can use them to investigate customer needs and desires to run even more successive content marketing.

We are pleased to introduce this comprehensive list of the best Twitter monitoring tools. Each of them is useful and special - just choose the one that suits best your business objectives. At YouScan, we wish you to get the most from social media listening and use this information to make your brand image stronger!

Turn millions of online conversations
into a source of market insights

Track and analyze social media mentions effortlessly with YouScan. Ensure your brand remains healthy and resonates with your target audience. 

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  • Experience a tailored demo showcasing how YouScan can meet them;

  • Explore customized solutions and strategies designed for your brand's unique challenges.

Just submit your details, and our experts will guide you through YouScan's innovative approach to AI-powered social media listening.