ChatGPT explodes on social media: what do people say?

On November 30, OpenAI released an AI-powered chatbot – ChatGPT. The software, programmed to simulate human conversation, has recently been going viral on social media. So what do people say about ChatGPT? YouScan – a social media listening platform – will help us answer this question.
How does ChatGPT work?
ChatGPT uses a deep learning approach called unsupervised learning. The chatbot learns from a large amount of text data without guidance or supervision. When given an input text, ChatGPT uses this training to generate a relevant response in the conversation context.
An overview of discussions
So far, 504K mentions have been published on social media about ChatGPT, which generated more than 8.2M engagements. The topic takes Twitter by storm (83% of all publications) but is also popular on Reddit (8%). Positive mentions were more numerous than negative ones (13% vs 9%).

Users from almost all over the world are involved in the discussion of ChatGPT. The top countries by the volume of mentions are the United States, Japan and the United Kingdom.

Viral posts
The most viral tweet about ChatGPT got 36K reposts. The author tried to play a Japanese word game Shiritori with ChatGPT. As a result, the chatbot gave an error. That is why the author tweeted: “I win the AI”.

The TikTok video that got the highest engagement is about how to write an extended essay using ChatGPT. The author was positively impressed by the result. By now, the video got more than 5.7M views.

What do users like about ChatGPT?
In general, users appreciated ChatGPT’s great potential and innovativeness. Users also called the technology a serious competitor to Google and “Google-killing stuff”.

ChatGPT has become helpful in various areas. While some used the ChatGPT for fun – to generate poems and songs, others used it to speed up work tasks.

Also, users were thrilled with how ChatGPT generated relevant suggestions for a weight loss and workout plan.

A lot of mentions concerned ChatGPT’s ability to generate reliable software code. Users were impressed by ChatGPT’s capacity to solve simple and more complex programming tasks in a few seconds.

Peter Yang, product lead at Reddit, was happy to add ChatGPT to his iPhone Home Screen.

What are users’ concerns about ChatGPT?
Speaking of negative, users noticed ChatGPT’s inability to recognise socially sensitive topics. Moreover, users claimed that this tool generates discriminative, racist and sexist content.

In addition, users are concerned about the reliability of ChatGPT’s content. Some of them suggest this technology can harm learning through the spread of plagiarism and cheating.

Also, Reddit users mentioned that ChatGPT could be better at explaining jokes and comparing non-related things.

Authors with the largest audience

While the big media published news about the technology, Elon Musk and Chris Anderson criticised The New York Times for lacking notices about ChatGPT. Also, in a comment to Sam Altman’s tweet, Musk named ChatGPT “scary good”.

We decided to try ChatGPT ourselves and asked it to write a summary of our findings.
Here’s what it said:
“In conclusion, ChatGPT has generated a significant amount of attention on social media since its release by OpenAI. While users have praised the chatbot’s potential and innovative capabilities, they have also raised concerns about its ability to recognize sensitive topics and the reliability of its content. As the discussion around ChatGPT continues, it remains to be seen how the technology will evolve and be used in the future.”
Sounds about right, don’t you think? :)
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