
Unlocking the Power of Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis

Power of aspect-based sentiment analysis

Ben Ellis

Ben Ellis

Social Intelligence Researcher & Ambassador of YouScan

25 July 2024

In the ever-evolving landscape of social intelligence, sentiment analysis remains a crucial tool for gauging public opinion and understanding consumer feedback. As we move beyond basic positive vs. negative analysis, a more sophisticated approach is becoming more popular and a lot more useful: aspect-based sentiment analysis.

This technique not only categorises sentiment but also breaks it down into specific aspects, enabling us to identify not just how people feel but precisely what drives those feelings.

By offering this nuanced understanding, aspect-based sentiment analysis provides much deeper and more actionable insights for businesses and researchers alike.

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The evolution of sentiment analysis

When I started in social intelligence 17 years ago, we had to make do with rudimentary positive vs. negative sentiment analysis. While useful, it often lacked the depth needed to make truly informed decisions. Years ago, I explored the potential and challenges of sentiment analysis when it was still limited to broad positive or negative categorisations.

Today, thanks to advances in natural language processing, we've moved beyond this binary approach. We now have powerful features like aspect-based sentiment analysis, allowing us to understand the specific aspects of products or services that drive sentiment, providing a much more helpful and actionable level of insight.

Beyond positive and negative

Aspect-based sentiment analysis significantly improves upon traditional methods by breaking down mentions into specific categories or aspects such as pricing, functionality, customer care, and more. On top of that, an aspect-based approach understands that one post can cover multiple aspects.

For example, long-form content like reviews may cover functionality, pricing, design, and other aspects, each with its nuanced sentiment that this approach can cover, rather than a blanket positive/negative sentiment. This approach allows for a comprehensive understanding of exactly what consumers are talking about and how they feel about different elements of a product or service.

By using a platform that supports aspect-based sentiment analysis, you can focus on the following benefits:

  1. Nuanced insights: aspect-based sentiment analysis offers detailed insights into various elements of a mention. For example, in the gaming industry, you can identify whether feedback is related to game functionality, pricing, graphics, or customer support. This level of detail helps you understand which areas excel and which need improvement.

  2. Contextual understanding: accurate parsing of quotes and retweets is crucial. On platforms like forums and Reddit, users often add opinions when reposting or quoting content. Effective aspect-based analysis distinguishes between the sentiment of the original post and the added commentary, providing a more accurate sentiment analysis.

  3. Improved decision-making: by understanding sentiment on a granular level, businesses can make more informed decisions. For instance, if aspect-based analysis reveals that consumers are unhappy with a product's pricing but pleased with its functionality, a company can focus on adjusting its pricing strategy while maintaining its strengths.

Why aspect-based sentiment analysis is essential for gaming

The gaming industry is a prime example of the importance of aspect-based sentiment analysis. Gamers are renowned for their vocal and detailed feedback across various platforms, covering aspects such as gameplay mechanics, graphics, pricing, and customer support.

Players might praise a game's stunning graphics while expressing disappointment over its pacing, or they might commend excellent customer support while feeling frustrated by new pricing models. This complexity is where aspect-based sentiment analysis truly shines.

By breaking down this rich, multifaceted feedback into specific categories, developers can pinpoint exactly what resonates with players and identify areas for improvement. This granular understanding allows gaming companies to maintain a competitive edge through targeted enhancements, addressing specific player concerns while building on their strengths.

Case study: sentiment analysis for Creative Assembly

To illustrate this feature, let's consider a hypothetical case study for Creative Assembly, part of the SEGA family. By tracking mentions of Creative Assembly across forums and social media, aspect-based analysis can provide insights into player sentiments about their latest game releases. (As a bonus, YouScan's ability to handle quotes ensures that sentiment analysis reflects the true player experience, not just the repeated sentiments from quoted texts.)

Sentiment analysis for creative AssemblySentiment analysis for creative Assembly

Another piece of sentiment analysis for Creative AssemblyAnother piece of sentiment analysis for Creative Assembly

One more piece of Another piece of sentiment analysis for Creative AssemblyOne more piece of Another piece of sentiment analysis for Creative Assembly

Looking at the sentiment analysis charts for three major Creative Assembly titles — Alien, Thrones of Britannia, and Total War — we can draw several valuable insights using a few handpicked aspects from a much longer list:

  • Design excellence across the board: all three titles show overwhelmingly positive sentiment regarding their design. This consistency suggests that Creative Assembly has established a strong reputation for game design, consistently meeting or exceeding player expectations across different titles and genres.

  • Atmosphere and immersion: "Alien: Isolation" stands out with highly positive sentiment for its immersive gaming atmosphere. This aligns with the game's critical acclaim for its tense, immersive horror experience, showing that Creative Assembly successfully captured the essence of the Alien franchise.

  • Functionality and price balance: "Thrones of Britannia" shows a mix of positive and negative sentiment for functionality and price. This balanced feedback suggests that while many players appreciate the game's features, there may be opportunities to refine certain gameplay elements or adjust pricing strategies to better meet player expectations.

  • Content diversity: the positive sentiment for assortment in "Total War" points to players appreciating the variety of "Total War" games (Warhammer, Rome, Pharaoh, etc.). By exploring new historical periods or adding more varied gameplay modes, Creative Assembly could take advantage of this by continuing to diversify content in future updates or titles.

  • Balanced performance perception: we see a mix of positive and negative sentiment for games where performance is measured (e.g., "Alien"). This balanced feedback suggests that while many players are satisfied, there might be opportunities to optimise performance further.

Creative Assembly can fine-tune their development process, marketing strategies, and community engagement efforts. This data-driven approach, enabled by YouScan's aspect-based sentiment analysis, allows for targeted improvements that directly address player feedback and preferences across different aspects of their games.
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Broader implications across industries

While the gaming industry provides a compelling use case, the benefits of aspect-based sentiment analysis extend to various sectors where customer feedback is crucial:


In the hospitality industry, hotels and restaurants rely heavily on customer feedback to improve services.

Businesses can identify specific areas that delight or disappoint customers by analysing sentiment related to service quality, amenities, pricing, and cleanliness.

This detailed insight allows hospitality providers to make targeted improvements, enhancing the overall guest experience and increasing customer satisfaction. For instance, if guests frequently praise cleanliness but criticise check-in procedures, management can focus on streamlining check-in procedures to elevate overall service quality.


Tech companies benefit immensely from detailed feedback on various product features, usability, customer support, and pricing.

Understanding these aspects helps refine product development and enhance customer service. For example, if users consistently highlight issues with a particular software feature, the development team can prioritise fixing these problems in the next update.

Similarly, positive feedback on customer support can be leveraged to develop best practices across the company. This level of detailed analysis supports continuous improvement and innovation, ensuring that products and services meet customers' evolving needs.


In healthcare, the stakes are high, and feedback is not just about service quality but also about patient safety. Having worked with several healthcare brands, I understand how crucial it is to take adverse events seriously.

An adverse event is an undesired effect of a drug or other type of treatment, such as surgery. These events can range from mild to severe and can be life-threatening.

Healthcare brands may create intricate social listening setups, but stopping at just negative sentiment falls short of quickly identifying adverse events. Aspect-based sentiment analysis allows healthcare providers to pinpoint specific adverse events and understand the context behind them.

This enables faster response times and more effective interventions, ultimately improving patient outcomes and maintaining trust in healthcare services.


Aspect-based sentiment analysis marks a significant advancement in social listening. By breaking down sentiments into specific categories, you can get nuanced insights that look beyond simple positive or negative classifications.

For those in the field of social intelligence, understanding the intricacies of consumer sentiment is crucial. Exploring aspect-based sentiment analysis can greatly enhance your ability to gather actionable insights and make more strategic decisions based on a deeper understanding of consumer feedback.

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