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New functionality — Subjects: deal with what really matters

New Social Media Listening functionality

Effective processing of a large number of mentions is a difficult and time-consuming procedure. The main problem here is that only 10% of references are really important for your brand, and as the number of mentions grows, this percentage decreases.

Zhanna Isaieva

Zhanna Isaieva

Content Marketing Manager

4 December 2019

YouScan already provides auto categories that help exclude commercial, promotional and charity posts, or allows users to work only with WOM (Word of Mouth). But this may not be enough.

We have been working on a solution to this problem for a long time, and today we are ready to present you a new function: Subjects!

Now there are 29 of them: politics, economics, incidents, children, celebrities, interiors, computer games, sports and others.

Social listening tools - categoriesSocial listening tools - categories

Subjects provide a bunch of new features for even faster and more efficient work:

1. Excluding irrelevant results

It is very difficult to build a search query so that there are exclusively relevant mentions, as your brand may be consonant with a common word or be mentioned in a context that is not interesting to you. The new functionality will help you narrow down the results to the desired topic and make sure that tech-related posts, such as in the example, will not appear in the topic that monitors the brand of sneakers:

Social listening tools - categoriesSocial listening tools - categories

2. Convenient categorization

Brands now tend to expand both their product line and their field of operation.

Subjects can help separate mentions related to different products and services and see more accurate statistics on the results. Without subjects, while tracking the mentions of McDonald’s, you will see everything — reviews on food, restaurants, and employees.

But if you apply “food” subject filter, you will get only food-related reviews. Thus, it’s much easier to understand what else to work on and how your customers react to changes.

Social listening tools - categoriesSocial listening tools - categories

3. Extended filtering capabilities

Now it’s even easier to process both relevant and irrelevant mentions: you can quickly find mentions on any topic and configure rules for them to quickly respond to them.

For example, while tracking your brand, you can filter the results that relate exclusively to the conference your company participates in. Or perhaps it’s important for you to quickly respond to incidents — then you need to use the appropriate subjects to instantly find problematic posts:

Social listening tools - categoriesSocial listening tools - categories

We developed this functionality using advanced deep learning technologies (namely, transformer architecture). Therefore, we can guarantee an excellent quality of subject functionality on different domains, which should satisfy the needs of most users.

In the future, we will expand the list of subjects to cover as many mentions as possible and improve the quality of the current ones. This will make YouScan even more useful and help our customers effectively monitor social media.

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